We believe that Critical Thinking training is the key to success, both in life and in business. We help people become better, more reasoned and more disciplined thinkers.



Enterprise Training Solutions


Grove Critical Thinking Enterprise Training Solutions offers organizations flexibility in regards to delivery and content of our services and products. Our Enterprise Training Solution offers fully customizable training services that are delivered at your location and on your timeline and offers your organization flexibility in the delivery model as well as content tailored to meet your needs. We understand that each organization is unique with different business models and associated challenges. When you choose our Enterprise Training Solutions we begin by developing a thorough understanding of your business needs by conducting a comprehensive Critical Thinking Needs Analysis. Once we have assessed your organization’s particular Critical Thinking needs we can then recommend solutions to meet those needs.
To schedule a Critical Thinking Needs Assessment please click here.


world class Training


Our training services are designed to help your staff realize the genuine benefits of becoming better, more reasoned and more disciplined thinkers. Our goal is to help your staff seamlessly integrate a Critical Thinking Mind-set into their daily business activities. We will help them develop the habits of mind that characterize people strongly disposed to follow reason and evidence wherever they may lead, to embrace a systematic approach to problem solving and to develop confidence in reasoning.



Our workshops will improve your staff's ability to reason and think critically using a practical approach. They will learn a clear, precise and comprehensive step-by-step method to improve their critical thinking skills from a business perspective. This method will improve their decision making and problem solving abilities, their communication and presentation skills and their ability to think strategically. It will also improve their ability to articulate their position, engage discussions and make a more meaningful contribution in their job.



Our coaching and consulting services will fast track your skills development with one-on-one sessions to quickly transform your approach to solving complex and challenging problems. 



We conduct Critical Thinking assessments using our Critical Thinking Aptitude Test (CTAT)™. The CTAT™program is designed to promote the improvement of critical thinking and real world problem solving skills.